I was in the process of moving and had just dropped
off the first load, and was heading back for the second. They
tell you to never say, "if I had just...." and to simply
accept things as they are. I had traced my steps and since I
had stopped at McDonald's I wondered if I would have been better off
if I hadn't. But, who knows what fate lies within, so I just
accepted that Vera Matthews was in a hurry that day and chose to
ignore the obvious: the red light, for starters, and the three or so
cars stopped at it, mine in particular since I was in the lane ahead
of her.
She was in a hurry
to get home, and didn't see me or my trailer and plowed into the
trailer at about 35-40 mph. This catapulted the trailer and it
launched through the back of my car, opening it up like a sardine
can. The trailer proceeded until it hit the rear deck of the
car and lifted that up and shattered the rear window. I,
looking down and changing the radio station, never saw her coming
and when it hit there was a certain jolt and I had no idea what had
happened. I looked in my rear view mirror and saw my trailer,
a crumpled pile of wood and steel, about ten feet behind my
car. I got out to survey the damage and couldn't believe what
had happened. I looked back at my car and just about fell to
my knees with disbelief.
The whole back end
was ripped open and there was broken glass everywhere. People
rushed over to see if I was okay and brought me over to the side of
the road to lay down. The impact was enough to break my
driver's seat and after the initial rush of adrenaline was wearing
down I could feel the pain and stiffness creep slowly up the back of
my neck and into the base of my head. Out in the roadway,
people were trying to get Vera Matthews to stay there and wait for
the police...she didn't have time to wait around and was trying to
After the police
arrived, one officer checked on Vera and then came to me and had
told me that she was trying to leave and he had to threaten to cuff
her. He looked at the damage and realized I was in pain, and
suggested a visit to the emergency room which was only about a block
away...how convenient.
The total damage
to the car was estimated at about $5,000, and the trailer was
totaled. The days...and months...that followed the accident
were the worst times of my life. As a result of the accident,
I was turned into collection agencies by the hospital that treated
me and by my bank after Allsnake refused to pay the bills, and I was
also fired from my job for dealing with the insurance company at
work, and then evicted when my landlord saw my wrecked car in the
Check out the
ALLSNAKE page to see how crooked they are, and see what Enterprise
did to me...the icing on the cake.